When I started Mistake by the Lake at the outset of TFC season 1, it was a whim. I had a hunch that this was a team that I was going to care deeply about, but that was all I had. I have always struggled with a love/hate relationship with writing. Some days I think I can string together some sentences and gather some coherent thoughts. Many days I am convinced I possess an empty head. I knew I had a passion for coaching and was dedicated to always learning the ways of the game. However, I remain a thousand rungs below tactical genius. A fan with a blog is what I am. Two years on and the blog part of that last sentence still surprises me.
In all of these calculations, I still have trouble with understanding that I have an audience. Boy, "audience" sounds so pretentious. I mean, it shocks my little brain that anyone reads this stuff.
To those who do, my heartfelt wishes go out for a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hannukah and a wonderful holiday. Enjoy the time with your family because when you get down to it, they (and season tickets) are all you've got.
All the New Year has to offer any of us is a new TFC season to make it a happy one, but may it be a happy one for you in a multitude of other ways.
Peace and love are on overflow today. Now when will the Designated Player signing be revealed ??