Tuesday, December 28, 2010

DeRo on trial with Celtic

 DeRo (and Freddie) show up in Scotland-
                                                                           click here

This is a mess.
First Earl Cochrane denies that DeRo will trial with Celtic.
Then photos of DeRo in Scotland show up.
Then TFC/Cochrane say they had no idea that DeRo was going over for a trial.
How can a player under contract shop himself around like this? How can a player, the captain of your team, go overseas without permission? What happens if he gets injured in a scrimmage? What is going on?


Trout said...

And that is the end of that. How much cap room do we have now?

Anonymous said...

Whats going on ?

Good question, Still no GM or
coach in place and no new players.Maybe Dero is jumping in a Celtic lifeboat before the Titanic sinks.I'm beginning to wonder if renewing my seasons tickets was the right thing to do.Why did I believe Tommy A could be trusted to turn things around.After last season I thought there was know where to go but up, boy I was wrong.
